NVC for All – Learn to Share NVC While Attending to Power Differences 2025
January 19 – May 4, 2025
January 19: 10:00 am-4:30 pm
February 2: 10:00 am-4:30 pm
February 16: 10:00 am-4:30 pm
March 2: 10:00 am-4:30 pm
March 16: 10:00 am-4:30 pm
March 30: 10:00 am-4:30 pm
April 13: 10:00 am-4:30 pm
April 27: 10:00 am-4:30 pm
May 4: 10:00 am-12:00 pm
Support those with fewer resources to attend — $1400
Support trainer’s sustainability — $1200
Requested standard contribution — $1000
Discounted rate — $800
Scholarship rate — $600
Are you an NVCer who would like support in sharing NVC in a way that attends to the needs of people who have been historically marginalized? Join this “Train the Trainer” series. You will meet with Roxy every other Sunday for 8 sessions to experience a foundational NVC curriculum originally developed by Roxy for and with the Freedom Project. Unpack the theory driving the curriculum to build your awareness of specific issues encountered in communities with less access to power. You will also use this curriculum to concurrently facilitate your own group of learners. After each session you facilitate you will have an opportunity to reflect with Roxy and your fellow trainers about what worked well and challenges based on your group’s context.
Class size will be limited to support in depth engagement and coaching.
Receive Targeted Support for Your Growth as a Trainer
Once people experience the life-serving effects of NVC for themselves, they often feel called to share NVC in their communities. Both experienced and novice trainers express needing more direct support and feedback about their teaching styles and facilitation skills in order to offer meaningful and responsive learning experiences for all in their communities.
Over 8 sessions, trainers will assess and develop their capacities to:
- Acknowledge and adapt their NVC teaching to meet people where they are, taking into account social conditioning based on gender, race, ethnicity, and other indicators of historical oppression
- Navigate the gap between their intentions as a trainer and the unintended impact that their actions may have on historically excluded and minoritized communities
- Let go of traditional power-over teacher-student paradigms and instead acknowledge and elicit the wisdom of the room
- Identify and address when they are teaching from a lens that prioritizes certain ways of being over others
- Explore strategies to respond to concerns about NVC’s applicability to participant’s contexts and capacity to attend to social inequities, even when the concerns are beyond the trainer’s own current level of understanding of systemic issues
- Collaborate with and receive support from a teaching community committed to embodying NVC consciousness in a way that honors and meets needs for those most impacted by systemic inequities
Structure of the Course
- Each trainer will organize their own bi-weekly 8-session introductory course that runs concurrently with this offering (Read below for additional guidelines on this.)
- We encourage trainers to team up and co-teach, if they would like to do so. If you register early enough we can connect you to other registered trainers for you to gauge whether you are a good fit to co-train
- Curriculum, with handouts and slide decks, will be shared with trainers to use in their concurrent course
- Trainers will receive support to tailor the curriculum based on their teaching contexts and communities
- Trainers will crowd-source best practices while also taking into account their contexts
- Each week there will be ample opportunities for trainers to reflect and troubleshoot in community
- In pods of 3-4 trainers, you will meet once between sessions to debrief your sessions and consider how to address any challenges that came up
- Each pod will choose an area of exploration to be addressed in the larger class by Roxy during the Sunday morning sessions
- We will meet every other Sunday for 5 hours total
- Morning session 10-12am Pacific: Focus on teaching practices and facilitation skills, inspired by challenge areas identified in your pods
- Afternoon session: 1:30-4:30pm Pacific: Experience new curriculum for the following week
Intended Audience and Prior NVC Experience
Our intended audience for the Train the Trainer course includes trainers who are:
- experienced practitioners of NVC* who are ready to begin training others in learning or deepening their understanding of NVC
- experienced NVC trainers who have already been teaching NVC and need more support to teach NVC in a more inclusive way
If you are familiar with NVC as a practice but are still early in your learning process, this course may not be the best next step and instead we would direct you to take the NVC Foundations course with Roxy.
*If you have taken a course or two with other NVC trainers, attended a retreat or taken NVC academy courses, and it feels in integrity to you to begin to teach others then we welcome your self-assessment to enroll in the Train the Trainer class. If you have only read Marshall Rosenberg’s NVC book, for example, then the more appropriate fit would be taking the NVC Foundations course.
Bi-Weekly Time Commitment
5 live class hours with Roxy every other week
2 hours to teach your own course every other week
1.5 hours to meet with your pod between sessions
+ any additional prep time you need to be ready to teach and manage your course
Requests for Attendance
We have a strong request for trainers to commit to attending all afternoon sessions. In the afternoon sessions you will experience and unpack the new curriculum for each week in preparation for you to teach it. If it is necessary for you to miss a session, you will have the recording available as a backup.
If you anticipate needing to miss two (2) of the morning facilitation feedback sessions, that is permissible. If you anticipate needing to miss more than two of the morning sessions or more than one of the afternoon sessions, then we recommend you sign up at a later time when you can more fully commit.
Class Meeting Dates
We will meet every other Sunday, January 19 – April 27, with the closing session on Sunday, May 4, 2025.
Morning Session, 10am-12pm Pacific
Afternoon Session, 1:30pm-4:30pm Pacific
- Session 1 – Sunday, January 19
- Session 2 – Sunday, February 2
- Session 3 – Sunday, February 16
- Session 4 – Sunday, March 2
- Session 5 – Sunday, March 16
- Session 6 – Sunday, March 30
- Session 7 – Sunday, April 13
- Session 8 – Sunday, April 27
- Closing Session – Sunday, May 4: 10:00 am-12:00 pm PT
Tuition Rates
Sliding Scale Options
$1400 – Support those with fewer resources to attend
$1200 – Support trainer’s sustainability
$1000 – Requested standard contribution
$800 – Discounted rate
$600 – Scholarship rate
Cancellation Policy
After the curriculum is shared or the program begins, 50% of the fee is not refundable. Prorated refunds of the refundable portion of tuition will be determined through collaborative dialogue.
Recruiting Your Participants
This class is intended to support sharing NVC in all communities including communities that have not been drawn to NVC or been harmed by some ways of sharing NVC. Our recommendation for this practice cohort is that you let participants know that you are teaching this course under supervision as you integrate this new framework. We’d like you to be very transparent with participants about that. As you recruit people, be mindful of how the financial requests you make for your course will impact participation. In this first round of offering this course, we strongly request that you do not seek to enroll folks who have been historically excluded by offering the course by donation. This is to prevent or minimize an experience of being experimented on for your learning benefit. As you become familiar with course material and learn to make it your own, we’d be excited for you to offer the course in a way that can invite participation from all.
Should I charge my participants for the course?
Absolutely. We offer this course on a sliding scale knowing that the bottom of the scale doesn’t fully cover our time, administrative, and technical expenses for putting on the course. Please choose a contribution level on the sliding scale that allows you to care for your sustainability and ours. If you do recruit paying participants for the course you will teach to help cover your tuition expenses, then we ask you to consider signing up for this course at the higher tuition levels.
Do I have to assemble my own students for the class I will teach and when should my class start?
Session 1 of the course you are teaching would start on a date of your choosing after the first session with Roxy (Jan 19) and before the 2nd session (Feb 2). The class Roxy teaches is to happen concurrently with your offering such that you participate in the class Roxy will teach, give yourself time to digest and prepare to teach the same content to your students within the two weeks between the sessions with Roxy. You will receive lesson plans, slides, etc that are ready for you to use.
A sample set of dates for your class could be: Meet on Thursdays every other week for 2 hours, from 6:00pm – 8:00pm on the following dates: Jan 23, Feb 6, Feb 20, Mar 6, Mar 20, April 3, April 17, May 1.
Curriculum and course materials and recordings
While it is expected that you will teach the curriculum and share materials with your students, we ask that you not share any course materials or recordings with your peers and colleagues. Instead we ask that you direct them to Roxy’s website to gain access to the materials so that they can support Roxy’s sustainability in this work.
Testimonials from Past Participants
“In 2022, I had the privilege of joining the inaugural cohort of the NVC For All course led by Roxy Manning. Roxy has developed a meticulous training system that participants teach to others while taking this course. This includes detailed lesson plans, handouts, PowerPoint presentations, and facilitator guides that cater to various teaching environments, including different class sizes and settings such as online and in-person.
This course is designed to make NVC more accessible and relevant to diverse populations. This was particularly enlightening for me, as my BIPOC partner had resistance to my initial interpretation of NVC that I was bringing into our relationship. The course provided profound insights into the dynamics at play and deepened my understanding of NVC beyond any previous training I had undergone, despite my full-time dedication to learning NVC.
The first cohort was designed as an eight-week program. Each week, Roxy presented the material, then participants taught to students that they gathered themselves, and then we debriefed with Roxy before moving forward to the next lesson. There was so much content in each class that it could have easily extended over 24 weeks to allow ample time for participants to absorb and integrate the knowledge. While teaching Roxy’s program, I witnessed several participants have transformative experiences with techniques and information unique to this course.
I am immensely grateful for this experience and strongly recommend it to all NVC trainers and candidates. This course not only highlights potential blind spots but also enriches the learner’s approach, fostering a deep understanding of systemic issues faced by various communities. I believe this awareness is crucial for anyone committed to social change through NVC. And, Roxy’s course provides you with a complete and done-for-you program to go out and share this knowledge with the world.”
John Reel, NVC Trainer Candidate
“I am very grateful for this class!
I’ve been very passionate about NVC for many years and when I heard about this class, I jumped on it! It does not come along very often.I have taken several fundamentals classes, but not one from Roxy. I’ve taken many courses with Roxy, but she doesn’t usually teach fundamentals classes.
For me, it turned out to be two classes in one.
I got an amazing foundation in NVC, learning the fundamentals in this way. Roxy brings so much more to the observation. There’s also so much I learned about violence, power dynamics and intent versus impact, which are values that I hold and want to share, in the NVC that I share with others.I also got to learn how to teach this same class, which for me is very rich in information, nuance and depth not only in the practice of OFNR, it really goes into the consciousness of NVC.
For me, it was a way to learn how to teach NVC from somebody who’s NVC path I value. The class includes so many materials that will be in my repertoire forever! And we are guided all along the way, on how to teach the course for others, including coaching and all of the materials.
I have continued to teach and facilitate, utilizing this course as my template. I am in great appreciation of this level of skill and guidance, that I continue to integrate daily.”
Zemaya Martinez, NVC Trainer Candidate