2019 French NVC Intensive
June 21 – 30, 2019
Exploring Power, Privilege, Access and Inclusion.
Are you eager to explore how an NVC lens can be applied to the challenging that arise when we come together from different social locations? You can do so in an immersive, 9-day retreat where we envision bringing together the values of NVC and social justice work to support individuals in facing realities of the world we live in.
During the 2019 French NVC Intensive, we plan to:
- Create the conditions to encourage meaningful exchanges between individuals, while acknowledging:
- Our own experience being potentially radically different from the experiences of others,
- The impact of different skin color, origins, nationalities, cultural and social backgrounds.
- Facilitate significant learning of NVC principles and practices.
- Facilitate greater capacity in approaching the daunting task of learning about, mourning, and working to transform the existing power structures in the world.
- Support people in engaging with their bodies to learn about and free themselves from the effects of trauma linked to power differences.
We believe that critical engagement about these issues within the NVC network and the world is essential to enable social change that can create a world that works for all. Come join us if you long for courageous spaces where we can give voice to those who are often silent, honor the experiences of all, and utilize a fierce commitment to NVC consciousness to create deeper understanding and new partnerships.
Trimurti Village, South of FranceThis immersive, 9-day retreat in the beautiful French Riviera follows the same format as CNVC’s International Intensive training (IIT), and is recognized by the francophone association A-CERTIF, as valid for the intensive training that is recommended for NVC certification.