

One World, Many Experiences: Embracing Diversity in Teaching NVC

Lately folks have been saying to me, We’re all humans with the same underlying needs. Isn’t that the premise of NVC? If you believe in NVC’s fundamental premise, why do you even talk about differences between groups or have classes only for women, or LGBTQ folks, or people from the global majority or any other …

Peacebuilding When We Disagree (Podcast)

Click here to listen to the full interview! With election season 2020 behind us, there’s a lot of talk from winning candidates about opposing …

Unpack This!

Heartful responses to microaggressions

Making Sense of These Times (Video)

In this live-streamed conversation, I discuss the opportunities that NVC provides for understanding and transforming racism.

Cross Privilege Dialogues: Avoiding the Trap of Centering Yourself When You Have More Privilege

Download PDF I have a dear friend who has become a treasured empathy buddy. Once a week, we call each other and share …

Viewing Needs through an Equity Lens

At a retreat, I supported a conversation between two men who had experienced a break in connection. One man of Chinese and European …

Calling In, Calling Out

In progressive circles, several topics are often raised when someone behaves in a way that’s painful to another person. Discussions come up about …

How Do I Love Those Who Hate Me? Answering Dr. King’s Call to Love Our Enemy

When Dr. King talked about the need to love our enemies, he identified several components to make this possible. He named developing and …

Navigating the Tangle of Yes and No

My son and his high school volleyball coach had a lot of challenges. Over two seasons, I watched as the coach mockingly imitated …

Renewing the Dream: Using Nonviolent Communication to Answer Dr. King’s Call for Social Change

How can nonviolent communication help us return to the powerful vision of social change for which Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. so strongly …

NVC – Changing Consciousness, Relationships & Systems

Roxy Manning, with Janey Skinner Nonviolent Communication (NVC) was developed, in part, because its founder, Marshall Rosenberg, was inspired by the work of Mahatma …

Why don’t they get it?

Does this seem familiar?  You’re in a meeting. Maybe it’s a workshop around equity and social justice issues, maybe it’s your community group …

Including All Without Excluding Any

By Ranjana Ariaratnam, David Johnson, Talli Jackson, and Roxy Manning This post, the final article in the WCI 2017 series, was written jointly …